Welcome, to the world of drones. If it’s your first time flying a drone, you are in for a treat. There’s nothing quite like seeing them soar up into the sky and taking control of their flight pattern. If you’re new to his hobby (or sport, or profession), then there are a few things that you should know before you get started.
Maps of No-Fly Zones
It’s true; you can’t fly your drone everywhere. There are plenty of no-fly zones, and there are sure to be areas near you where your drone isn’t allowed to soar. No-fly zones are usually either set up for public privacy or safety reasons. For instance, you are not permitted to fly your drone within 25 kilometres of the White House. Did you also know that named drones will simply refuse to fly in no-fly zones based upon their programming? Why not check out Airmap or Mapbox’s Don’t Fly Drones Here article for more info on places you can’t fly so you are prepared.
Popular or Top Sites for Drone Enthusiasts
There are plenty of fun sites that you can use and explore once you start flying drones like UAV Coach Drone News (one of our favorites). Here you’ll find news, updates, notifications and information about the latest tech on the drone market. You need to make sure that you keep a check on industry news and trends, so be sure to bookmark UAV Expert News and First Quadcopter. These sites are great resources, continuously updated with tips, tricks and tutorials.
Focus on the Basics
Before you take your drone to great heights, it’s important that you master the basics. You need to make sure that you can handle everything from taking off to landing and moving in different directions. Another important aspect of learning is to master hovering in place. This can be difficult if your drone hasn’t been set up the right way, so visit the drone manufacturer’s website to watch videos and tutorials to help you with these basics. It will help you avoid issues and ensure you can get the most out of your drone. It’s more fun when you know what you’re doing.
Watch How-To Videos on YouTube
If you ever get stuck trying to use your drone, or you struggle to get it to fly, don’t panic. The website of the drone manufacturer is not your only resource. Type your drone’s make and model into YouTube or Google and you’ll likely find an abundance of tutorial videos to get you going. For example, you can use videos like this:
Here, you’ll find advice, guidance and lessons that new drone users need to succeed.
Read Getting Started Guides
One of our favorite all-purpose tutorials is UAV Coach’s How to Fly a Drone:
A Beginner’s Guide to Multirotor Systems & Flight Proficiency. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can read guides provided by the maker of your drone to get you started. Similar to video tutorials, these guides will offer you in-depth information on the starting steps that you’ll need to take when flying your drone. This could include everything from learning how to sync it with the controller module, to getting it to hover properly.
Read about Your Specific Drone Online to Understand its Features
Every drone is different. That’s why it’s important to learn about the individual issues and aspects of the drone that you have purchased. Research the make and the model online to find information about its features, power, flight time and much more.
Start Slow and Build Up Confidence through Practice
Finally, make sure that you don’t make things too complicated at first. It’s important to practice at lower speeds and heights before taking your drone for a spin hundreds of feet in the air.